
credit bureau (商業)征信所。

credit hour

Enterprise credit bureau can solve information asymmetry problem in the market trade by collecting and sharing enterprise credit information . it can help enterprise with good faith develop , expelling those having broken faith from market , which has a significant effect for regulating market order 企業征信機構作為信用服務中介機構,通過收集、交換企業信用信息,減輕市場交易中的信息不對稱現象,給守信企業拓展市場空間,將失信企業驅逐出市場,對完善市場體系、規范市場秩序有著不可忽視的作用。

During the writing of this essay , the writer has collected lots of materials both from home and abroad , finding out that domestic researches on enterprise credit are usually from the angle of finance , focusing on the enterprise ’ s intern credit management , rarely have any works done researches on enterprise credit bureau from the angle of law . while in foreign countries , researches are usually focusing on enterprise 在論文的寫作過程中,筆者搜集了大量國內外最新研究成果和資料,發現目前我國國內對企業信用的研究多從金融學的視角出發,著重于企業內部的信用管理或整體社會信用制度的構建,鮮有從法學角度對企業征信機構做出專門、細致研究的著作。

Credit scoring uses quantitative measures to predict the risk of loans . for lenders in rich countries , scoring has been one of the most important sources of increased efficiency . lenders in rich countries , however , score potential borrowers based on comprehensive credit histories from credit bureau and on the experience and salary of the borrower in formal wage employment 農戶小額信用貸款屬于個人消費貸款的范疇,在很多方面與信用卡消費有相似之處,例如都是面對廣大的個體放款、業務量大而單筆額度數量小、基于借款人的信譽放款不需要抵押擔保,等等。

This effort takes various forms , notably the creation of commercial as well as consumer credit bureaux , either publicly run , or privately run but with appropriate supervision from the public sector to ensure data privacy and fairness in the provision of the service 具體上,這可透過多種形式來實行,最常見的包括設立商業及個人信貸資料庫。資料庫可以是公營或私營,但須有公營部門適當監管,確保資料保密及提供服務符合公平原則。

Most rural micro - finance lenders , however , do not have access to credit bureau , and most of their borrowers are poor and self - employment . so the rural credit union can only judge the credit risk 在西方發達國家,為了減少放貸成本,同時為更有效的評估和控制信用卡消費中的信用風險,銀行紛紛引入了信用評分方法,并取得了很好的效果。

It thus fails to benefit from economies of scale in marketing , technology and the collection of credithistory data , which is vital where formal credit bureaus do not exist 因此,它沒辦法取得營銷、技術和信用歷史數據收集的規模優勢,而這對一個缺乏官方信用統計機構的市場是至關重要的。

Whether you order your report online , by phone , or by mail , it may take longer to receive your report if the 3 major credit bureau ` s needs more information to verify your identity 你是否為公共網上,電話或者郵寄它可能需要較長收到你的3大信用局的報告,如果需要更多的資料驗證`你的身分

To maintain the security of your file , each nationwide credit bureau ` s may ask you for some information that only you would know , like the amount of your monthly mortgage payment 你保持安全檔案每次全國性信用局收盤`你可能會問你一些資料,只知道,就像你每月的供款金額

If you tell the information provider that you dispute an item , a notice of your dispute must be included any time the information provider reports the item to a credit bureau 如果你告訴你爭一個項目信息提供商、通知你什么時候必須列入爭端信息提供商向信用局報告項目

A : a credit bureau can report most accurate negative information for seven years and bankruptcy information for 10 years 答:信用局報告最準確的信息七年破產負面新聞就是10年

Part 4 : a licensed credit bureau , storing , maintaining and reporting the gaming history of casino patrons 有許可證的信用局,存儲,維護,以及匯報賭場顧客的賭博歷史記錄

Q : what can i do if the credit bureau or information provider won ’ t correct the information i dispute 問:我可以做,如果信用局提供的資料不正確或者資料我爭

Q : should i order my reports from all three of the major credit bureau ` s at the same time 問:我要為我的報告主要從三個信用局`收盤在同一時間

Japan credit bureau 接受的信用卡:

Credit bureau reports 信用咨詢公司報告

Q : should i order a credit report from each of the 3 major credit bureau ` s 問:我要為每一個信用報告的3大信用局`收盤

Japan credit bureau , jcb 日本信用卡株式會社

They traced it . it was reported to a credit bureau in atlanta 他們跟蹤上了.已經報告給亞特蘭大信用卡總署

The credit bureau , or the fbl , 征信機構或者聯邦調查局